Music keys and notes
Music keys and notes

music keys and notes

That tells you that E minor is the relative minor of G Major. There are twelve key signatures, each derived from the twelve available notes. If you look on the circle of fifths, you'll see a lower-case "e" in the same position on the circle as G Major. Key signatures tell you what notes in a scale are sharp () or flat (). But if you find that the first note isnt what you expect, you may. For example, suppose you have a key signature with 1 sharp, which you know is G Major. Amazingly, almost all the music in the world is made with just these 7 letter names A, B, C, D, E, F, and G thats it. In a major key you can use the trick of counting from the last sharp or second to last flat.

music keys and notes

The minor key at the same point on the circle as the major key is the relative minor of that major key. In the major scale, there are eight notes going up the steps from bottom to top. The capital letters on the outside of the circle represent the major keys and the lower case letters on the inside of the circle represent the minor keys. The circle of fifths shows how the 12 tones of the chromatic scale relate to one another. Every key signature represents both a major and a minor key (referred to as the "relative" minor). Refer to the circle of fifths to find the relative minor key.

Music keys and notes