Cursed with Awesome: While it's downplayed, due to her not possessing a lot of the abilities of other humans, such as immortality, Erice was born with Evil Spirits residing in her that she can synchronize with to acquire demonic abilities.Conveniently an Orphan: Her parents died when she was really young, setting up her distaste for her grandmother's presence and her attachment to Caren as her parent figure.Child Hater: Downplayed, but due to her experiences with Louis XVII she is uncomfortable with child-like Servants.Celibate Hero: She rejects the concept of romance, thinking it is a distraction.Erice's cynical and sardonic outlook on life is counterbalanced by Voyager's cheer and optimism. Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Gender-inverted.This is why she's horrified when Chitose tells her to stop acting as the Grim Reaper, as her blood will inevitably go rampant without something to feed on. At one point where they get "hungry" but can't feed, they open wounds all over Erice's body, even behind her eyeballs. She mentions while dressing a wound that she has to be careful with the dressing or they can spray blood from the cut across the room.

#Tvtropes hand of fate 2 skin#
Body Horror: Her evil spirits twist and bulge and make Alien Blood under her skin especially when people die.She can also use her blood to form weapons like a battle-axe. According to her, Servants killed this way don't return to the Throne of Heroes, meaning if they are summoned again, they won't have any form of "record" of their previous time summoned. Bloody Murder: She calls it her "Branch." Her Alien Blood leaves her body through her arm and kills Servants by tearing out their Spirit Core and dissolving it.An Axe to Grind: One of her attacks, Erlkönig, shapes her blood into the shape of a battleaxe.She fires back one of her own at her husband for letting him go back alone.The main character of the story, a girl who is the only person in the world who does not have a Servant. What the Hell, Hero?: Fate gives one of these to his wife when she gives Superman something that will allow him to go back into the fight.Transformation of the Possessed: Demonstrated on the Planet employees.Later, it looks almost as though the shoggoth shreds the skin of its human host as the transformation completes itself. The first human to be possessed, Ron Troupe, drops to the floor, crouching and clutching his head as his eyes begin to glow. Transformation Horror: The shoggoths have some pretty nasty effects on the Planet staff.Fate, due to the unending nature of the battle against evil. Shout-Out: A shop called " The Dancing Hobbit" appears.Sealed Evil in a Can: Karkull, at the beginning of the episode.Restored My Faith in Humanity: Doctor Fate has his faith in humanity restored when Superman refuses to give up in a fight against an Eldritch Abomination.Fate's debut, Superman does have a history that we don't know about prior to the episode. Eelan blows a vat of hot lead off its support. Recycled Animation: When Karkull blows up a police car, the ensuing explosion is reused footage from a scene of " My Girl", in which Mr.Off-Model: As the Daily Planet employees turn and run away from Karkull upon his arrival, the lady in blue in the top left misses her upper body for a brief moment.Superman, of course, explains that they are nothing alike. He tells Superman that the two of them are similar, both masters of their own fate, and Superman should join him and likewise leave behind the petty conflicts of humanity. When he goes to Doctor Fate for help, Fate explains that he has retired from superheroics, weary from the endless battle. "Not So Different" Remark: Unusually, Superman gets this from an ally.Though humorously she and some of her wiccan friends show up to try and break the barrier to Turpin's annoyance. She doesn't really play much of a role other then tell Supes what they're dealing with is magical in nature, which prompts him to go seek out Dr. New-Age Retro Hippie: Rainsong whom Superman and Turpin encounter while outside the Daily Planet.Morphic Resonance: The demon that turns Lois into its body decides to keep her hair.Lovecraft Lite: You didn't think that it would be full-on Lovecraft in a Superman episode, did you? Karkull is eventually stuffed back into his can and everything returns to normal.Karkull could actually kill Superman, and both of them know it. Played with when this very attitude is what causes Fate to come after him. Honor Before Reason: When Fate refuses to help him, Superman goes back to fight Karkull and to try to save the Planet's employees, in spite of not having a snowball's chance in a blast furnace.